週末保養工具小物指南 | 英國波特女士推薦 NET-A-PORTER

最近看到一篇NET-A-PORTER英國精品網分享「週末保養小物指南文章」,凱姊美容控毛病發作, 翻譯後覺得挺有趣,也發現保養的觀察視角又更開闊了,跟大家分享。保養品及保養習慣,在不同的地區或國家都會有所不同,一味地用大把鈔票追求昂貴高級品牌,就是好肌膚的保證。






There is more to good skin than great skincare. Beauty Director NEWBY HANDS reveals the at-home gadgets and genius beauty add-ons that make her – very discerning – cut. 18/03/2018

Slip Silk Pillowcase
Beyond the glamour, there is science behind this: the weave of silk is shown to help seal in skin’s natural moisture, compared to cotton, which absorbs the moisture from our skin. Plus, the smooth finish of silk creates minimal friction on the skin (fewer wrinkles) and hair (less bedhead, so less breakage) and it keeps you cooler. Once you sleep on silk, there’s no going back.


凱姊註解: 俺一直都有使用絲綢枕頭的習慣,原因單純就是覺得舒服。之前有讀過一篇文章也有寫到蔣夫人也有此習慣,所以皮膚很好。不過俺還是覺得營養攝取跟運動,才是常保光澤美肌的不二法則。


Ziip Beauty Device + Golden Conductive Gel Duo
Unlike so many other face-firming, cheek-sculpting, skin-boosting devices, what I love about this – created by LA electrical esthetician Melanie Simon and FDA cleared – is how effortless it is to use. Download the app to choose the program best for your skin and, once you’ve mastered the basics of the muscle-tweaking micro-current routine, you can use it whenever you have a spare few minutes (in bed, watching a movie, while soaking in the bath). The more you use it, the better the improvement (up to 12 minutes, three times a week is ideal). I use it for a few minutes before I do my makeup.

Ziip 美容儀+金色導電凝膠 組合
與許多其他面部緊緻,拉提輪廓線條,保養皮膚的設備不同,這種 – 由洛杉磯電氣美學家梅拉尼西蒙和FDA認證 – 可輕鬆地使用。下載app以選擇最適合自己的皮膚的程序,一旦掌握了肌肉調整微電流程序的基礎知識,可以在空閒時間允許的情況下使用幾分鐘(在床上觀看電影,同時在浴缸中浸泡)。使用的越多,改善效果越好(最多12分鐘,一周建議使用三次)。化妝前用幾分鐘效果也很不錯。

凱姊註解: 導入導出儀器已經不算新產品,很多分享日本的導入儀產品,效果都很不錯。最近吹起一陣客製保養風,電子美容儀器搭配app,可以分析膚質及推薦適合的使用模式及保養品,甚至是皮膚改變的歷史紀錄。如果口袋深度還可以,倒是可以試試。



Nurse Jamie Face Wrap
The reason why sheet masks work so well is that as the ‘sheet’ drapes over the face, it helps push the active ingredients of the ‘mask’ into the skin. Which is why LA-based Nurse Jamie Sherrill created this reusable silicone sheet, to turn your favorite hydrating serum or face cream into a more intensive treatment. Simply layer up your products and lay the FaceWrap on top to ensure the active ingredients penetrate deeper. You’ll see a difference.

片狀面膜笑過如此之好的原因在於,當“片狀”遮蓋臉部時,它有助於將“面膜”的有效成分導入皮膚。這就是為什麼基於LA的護士Jamie Sherrill 創造了這種可重複使用的矽膠片,將您最喜愛的保濕精華或面霜達到更加強化的治療。只需將產品鋪在上面,並將FaceWrap放至面部以確保活性成分滲透到更深處。你會看到不同之處。

凱姊註解: 本產品只有矽膠面膜,敷臉的精華液要自己放上去。老實說,凱姊很懶,光是每次敷完要清潔消毒跟收納,想到就累了。很多好的生物纖維面膜敷一敷就美到不行,各種不同功能任選,台灣人的保養選擇真的很多又方便有效。



Dr. Dennis Gross SpectraLite EyeCare Pro
As one of New York’s top skin doctors, Dr. Dennis Gross’ smart LED eye treat makes his expertise available to all of us. Looking like space-age sun specs, the 72 LEDs lights stimulate collagen, smoothing out and rejuvenating skin. Use daily for the first two weeks – keep them on the bedside cabinet so they become a part of your night-time routine.
Sarah Chapman Skinesis Facelift

身為紐約頂級皮膚醫生之一,丹尼斯格羅斯博士的智能LED眼部護理運用他的專業知識, 供所有人消費者使用。看起來像太空時代的規格,72個LED燈刺激膠原蛋白,平滑和皮膚回春。前兩週每天使用 – 將它放在床頭櫃上,以便使保養成為夜間例行公事的一部分。

凱姊註解: 俺有使用過類似的LED功能面膜。但睜開眼使用LED眼膜這件事,雖然每次使用三分鐘,個性機車的凱姊還是有疑慮,大家請斟酌使用。



Sarah Chapman Skinesis Facelift
Admittedly, this is not the most glamorous or hi-tech device, but it does the job and is so easy to use. Based on the hands-on technique of Chapman’s famous facials (Meghan Markle is a fan), you can roll these nodules over the jawline, neck and cheeks to release tension, drain puffiness and firm up features. Even better, apply a cream, hydrating serum or nourishing mask first (or layer up all three) and use this to massage firmly into the skin.

必須承認,這不是最迷人或高科技的設備,但它的使用非常簡單又非常方便。 以Chapman著名面部護理基礎出發(Meghan Markle是粉絲)的手動按摩技術,您可以將這些滾輪滾過下巴,頸部和臉頰,釋放緊張感,排除浮腫和緊緻面部功能。 更好的是,先塗抹面霜,補水精華或滋潤面膜(或將所有三層都塗抹在臉上),然後在按摩至皮膚吸收。

凱姊註解: 日本小物很多這種按摩工具,價格親民。花一千多台幣買這個來手動按摩,可能俺還是想持理性保留態度。



原文網址: https://goo.gl/oTyWfC




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